
Technical guru extraordinaire, Dennis, grew up on the carpentry side of the fence helping his father build homes all over Georgia and Alabama before returning to trade school to become a HVAC technician following the crash of the housing market in 2008-10.

Once he completed his career change and graduated, he helped to build one of Atlanta’s strongest middle size Heating and Air Conditioning companies from just two guys in some trucks to a Top 20 contractor for their brand in the mid and late 2010’s.

Following a family decision to move to the Carolinas in 2018, he became a Distributor Service Coordinator responsible for technical support, training and product education of the wholesaler’s salesforce and customer base.

Recently he furthered his career by moving to the Manufacturer’s representative side of the industry by Joining Keystone Sales and Associates as their lead Technical Sales and Training Manager for the Carolina market.

He and his wife Tracy reside in Fort Mill, SC with their two children, Cory and Kylie, and their reptilian hero in a halfshell, Mr. Turtel. Cory is also responsible for all the instrumental backing music featured on the show.

In his spare time he is working on a way to convince Rhydon to make this a Golf Podcast, while getting things ready to finally break ground on his new home. He is also known to bust out a TikTok dance with Kylie from time to time as well as be found popin’ a top in the stands of an Appalachian State game.

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